Δευτέρα 8 Οκτωβρίου 2018


 Hello there. It's been a while, feels like forever yet it's just an insignificant small amount of time. Smaller than our importance in the cosmos.

 I'm getting tired, that's all. I guess. Tired of... Being tired. Of everything. But mostly myself and the world itself.

 I look outside the window to see the rest of the world, can't stand my face anymore (need a makeover quite some years now but that's another thing to talk about another time). And what do I see? What does anybody see?

 First of(f) i checked the window, it's clean as a whistle. Unlike us and our souls, or most of us at least.

 It's been something like 10 years now, i read Erich Fromm's "To have or to be" and i understood (where is my cookie?!) how this world functioned, how WE humans to be more accurate. Few wanted knowledge, most wanted full bookshelves, few wanted true fucking love, most (of us - me included 2 times) wanted lovers.

 The world was a collection of collection. Needed desires and desired needs, for most.

 Then i read "The society of the spectacle" by Guy Debord. No longer JUST the collection was enough, no. One needed to show his collection(s). Attention whores in an abyssal brothel competing for not customers but reactions, likes and stuff.

 Then I realized more about everyone's own world. (Personal) Worlds within (our) world. Pretty much nothing is worth doing or being, unless it's shown somewhere. True goal? To become viral.

 Other peoples acceptance and opinion started matter too damn much, more than... well pretty much all else.

 So there are some options. You follow that road. Or you go elsewhere, with the few black sheeps. Or screw you guys I'm going home (i focus on my world- not me-).

 But how healthy is it to cut ties with the rest of the world and just live on your own (world or delusion)? Then again one might wonder is following others the healthy way?

 So you go elsewhere. Which might start from anywhere but it will lead to certain realization(s), have you indeed gone elsewhere and not just somewhere away.

 So what could life be all about? L.I.F.E.* Death is also interesting topic, another time, again.

 Can't say I know, I am still wandering in my thoughts like a whisper in a storm. However i can dare to say it's all about nothing.

 Nothing matters. Not me and my problems, not you and your ideas, nor someone "important" and his important impact on the world. The cosmos will continue with out us just like it has so far before us.

 So why not just die already? No need to prolong the inevitable, right? Hmm... Can't say I agree. I mean we are given a certain amount of time, or more precicely time is given us. Time was here before and will be afterwards, we count a small amount of time, time counts all of our amount.

 Find something interesting, something to make you forget a while, not completely(!), while you live, to do. Nature, animals, humans, science... It's all about balance. Remeber to enjoy while it lasts, don't forget it will end, nothing lasts forever. And wait. Till the time comes. It will.

* Loathing Is For Everyone
Kinda dedicating this to the sick minded preachers of this world, declaring they promote a healthy way of life. Well ladies and gentlemen the you have it, i present a healthy way of death. :P

Pavlos - vlospa kasbe