Πέμπτη 25 Αυγούστου 2016

Hide and seek

 For the wrong thing. Find something to look for. Tragically ironic, and even iconic. I mean how does "the self" look like? No need to think it too much. There is no why, there's just what there is, all around. So leave it like that i suggest.

 The self. I mean... What do i actually mean? What could i be meaning? The question "what is the self"? Is it even a question that can be answered? Imagination, memory, guts. Feels like the basic ingredients to uncover the truth, or to be more precise the lies hiding the truth!

 When saying "the self" one would understand one's "ego". Hello no! That it something else, a cover, a fake one. Think about it!

 When i was born, i was born someone, right? Or noone and in the process of life i started to "build" (the someone, the me) who i become? Like, gathering experiences, senses and thoughts, habits, beliefs. Yet, who was i before all that? I mean, take it off, all, everything. Your name, your age and birthplace, your color, your characteristics, your feelings, thoughts, preferations, principals, memories, every thing. What is there left?

 Sounds scary doesn't it? Yet wouldn't you say it's hard to do that? I mean these (among other stuff) is what (we think) makes us who we truely are, right, or maybe no? Maybe that's a cover we slowly and under "guidance" we built to fit in? So who is in a position where he can deny everything, deny "himself" and that it includes?

 I'll get more into it soon, however until then i'll close this door with a question for you (and me of course) to wonder. Are we really looking for that answer or are we trying our best to make it as hard as possible to get that answer?

Παύλος - vlospa kasbe

Πέμπτη 19 Μαΐου 2016

Ταριμάνι - Tarimani

 Ήταν μία θαυμάσια στιγμή κι έτυχε κι αναρωτήθηκα πόσα δε βλέπουμε. Πόσα μεσολαβούν ανάμεσα στα μάτια μας και το που εστιάζουμε αυτά. Τι δε μπορούμε να δούμε δίχως μικροσκόπιο. Τι δε μπορούμε να δούμε γιατί δε βρισκόμαστε σε θέση (ακόμα έστω) ή/και δε κατέχουμε την τεχνολογία, ακόμα, πάλι. Πόσα δεν είμαστε έτοιμοι να διακρίνουμε ακόμα. Οπότε γιατί να μη το αφήσω στην φαντασία μου?

 It was one wonderful moment and it happened and i wondered how much we do not see. How many intervene between our eyes and where we are focusing them. What we can not see without microskope. What we can not see because we are not able (yet at least) or/ and we do not possess the technology, yet, again. How many we are not ready to distinguish yet. So why not leave it to my imagination?

Παύλος - vlospa kasbe

Κυριακή 27 Μαρτίου 2016

Λάμδα Σίγμα Δέλτα / Lamda Sigma Delta

Η περιγραφή μας τέλειωσε. Ούτως ή άλλως κάθε ικανός άνθρωπος θα βγάλει τα συμπεράσματα του.
We're out of description. Either way any capable human being will make his/her own conclusions.

Y.Γ. : Βαθιά εμπνευσμένος από (P.S. : Deeply inspired by) :