Δευτέρα 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2024

Being (in) love

 I love you.
With all my heart.
I (don't) love (just) you.
I love you
There is no you.
No receiver.
I love.
So much,
that I forget.
I love you
While being love and not "in love with",
I forget I.
So there's no I.
No sender.
There is no you.
There is no I.
There is love.
Just a letter.
And there is no one.
No I, no you.
No one to write these lines.
No one to read them.
There are no words and languages.
Just love.



 One wishes one would just fall asleep.

But even more,
to never again have to wake up again.

How can one dream,
when one is unable to sleep?
